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Варезник » TreeSize Professionall


TreeSize — программа для анализа использования ёмкости разделов диска, разработанная компанией JAM Software. Главная функция — сбор и представление информации о размере файлов и директорий на жёстком диске]. По набору функций схожа с утилитой du для Unix и Linux, дополнительно обладая графическим интерфейсом. Поддерживаются все современные версии Windows, начиная с Windows 7. Также доступны специальные версии для Windows 95/98/ME, Windows 2000 и Windows XP, а также для планшетных компьютеров под управлением Windows 8. Последняя версия с поддержкой Windows XPTreeSize

Основные возможности:
• Визуальное отслеживание использования жестких дисков и просмотр размера всех папок и файлов.
• Печать отчета в Excel, HTML, XML, текстовом файле и т.д.
• Полностью настраиваемый поиск файлов для поиска и архивации больших, старых, неиспользуемых и временных файлов.
• Поиск на нескольких дисках и целых серверах.
• Поиск дубликатов файлов, в дополнении, с проверкой MD5 хеш-суммы.
• Статистика о типах файлов и владельцев файлов на уровне директории.
• Возможность сохранения данных в XML файл для загрузки позднее.
• Поддержка имен в Юникоде для файлов и папок.
• Расширение для проводника Windows.
• Просмотр результатов во время сканирования.
• Включение и исключение определенных файлов и папок во время сканирования.
• Печать содержимого директории.
• Поддержка контекстного меню проводника внутри окна программы.

Существует три версии программного пакета:
TreeSize Free  — бесплатная версия;
TreeSize Personal — платная версия с расширенным набором возможностей для частного пользования;
TreeSize Professional — платная версия с расширенным набором возможностей для коммерческого использования.

version 9.1.5 ЦП 04.06.2024 | Что нового

Всего записей: 1477 | Зарегистр. 29-04-2008 | Отправлено: 19:05 25-01-2010 | Исправлено: Luber, 14:24 04-06-2024

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Changes in V7.0.2 (28 Jun 2018) Подробнее...

Всего записей: 7934 | Зарегистр. 08-02-2011 | Отправлено: 15:34 05-07-2018 | Исправлено: maxvlas, 15:34 05-07-2018

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Вышла 7.0.3. Changelog внушительный:
Changes in V7.0.3 (27 Aug 2018)
•TreeSize is no longer shown in the context menu of ZIP files and the recycle bin.
•In the mode without user interface errors are now printed to the channel StdErr instead of StdOut.
•Like in Windows Explorer, pressing F4 now enters the path dropdown box and allows entering a path manually.
•The order of exported lists and charts has been corrected and is now again as it was in TreeSize V6.
•An unnecessary linefeed at the end of exported files, that was not present in TreeSize V6, has been removed again.
•Now SSL (HTTPS) is used to access the Amazon S3 storage.
•The error handling has been improved when using Windows tasks to automatize TreeSize scans.
•Bugfix: A possible crash when refreshing the directory tree has been fixed.
•Bugfix: The value for allocated space (size on disk) of the Top 100 files is now imported correctly from XML files.
•Bugfix: TreeSize now again asks for confirmation when deleting files to the recycle bin, depending on the system settings of the recycle bin.
•Bugfix: An unhandled error has been fixed that could occur when copying a list of files of a certain file extension to the clipboard.
•Bugfix: A possible error when scanning a large file system tree via network has been fixed.
•Bugfix: An occasional error when displaying the preview window for a search pattern has been fixed.
•Bugfix: The function “Manage history data > Change storage location” on the ribbon bar “History” displayed an error message, if TreeSize did not yet perform any scan. This problem has been fixed.
•Bugfix: A possible OutOfMemory error when exporting a larger folder structure to PDF has been fixed.
•Bugfix: When importing TreeSize options from a file, changes on the visible columns of the lists had been applied after restart only. Now a restart is no longer necessary.
•Bugfix – File Search: The summary when exporting the duplicate search now shows the correct sum and size of the duplicates again.
•Bugfix - File Search: A possible crash when using the function "Activate/deactivate all filters" has been fixed.
•Bugfix - File Search: In the dialog for moving elements (“Home > File Operations > Move Items”) sometimes the option “Delete empty folders after the operation” could not be check-marked. This problem has been fixed.
•Bugfix - File Search: The keyboard shortcut CTRL+X to cut the selected files to the clipboard now works again.
•Bugfix - File Search: The command line parameter /ATTACH is now correctly evaluated again in all possible combinations.
•Bugfix - File Search: Search paths are now persisted correctly under all conditions. Disconnecting and reconnecting a remote desktop session to a VM that is running the TreeSize File Search could previously lead to search paths not being stored correctly.
•Bugfix - File Search: Fixed possible crashes during the file content search that could occur when files that were being searched were modified from another PC at the same time.
•Some other minor fixes and improvements have been incorporated.

Всего записей: 5744 | Зарегистр. 30-01-2003 | Отправлено: 17:13 29-08-2018

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TreeSize Pro 7.0.4 Build 1401 Подробнее...

Всего записей: 1647 | Зарегистр. 12-04-2012 | Отправлено: 12:36 24-09-2018

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Changes in V7.0.5 (23 Oct 2018)
•The option "Show > Hide folders smaller than XX MB" is now also considered for exports, if the option "Export expanded elements only" is activated in the Options dialog.
•Bugfix: An unhandled error that could occur when sorting by the column "Growth %" on the tab "Details" has been fixed
•The Amazon S3 regions eu-west-2 (London) and eu-west-3 (Paris) are now supported.
•Bugfix: When saving a scan to an XML file ("File > Save Scan to XML File") an error occurred if at least one file type, file type group, user or file age was previously added as a column to the Details list and this was also activated in the XML export options ("Tools > Options > Export > XML > Exported Columns"). This error has been fixed.
•The error handling of the TreeSize dialog for scheduled scans has been further improved. (Professional Edition only)
•Bugfix: When moving files using the "Move Elements" dialog with preservation of the permissions / access control lists (ACLs), for newly created folder the inheritance of the ACLs is now also copied correctly.
•File search: A scheduled task to search and delete objects using /MOVETO no longer displays a confirmation dialog, like in TreeSize V6.3. (Professional Edition only)
•File search: Existing tasks that perform an automatic move operation are now loaded correctly back into the user interface during editing. (Professional Edition only)
•Bugfix: PDF files are now attached correctly to email exports with multiple scans (command line exports, Professional Edition only).

Всего записей: 5744 | Зарегистр. 30-01-2003 | Отправлено: 21:59 30-10-2018

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Разработчик работает над новой версией 7.1. Программа будет мультиязычной, но какие языки будут добавлены, пока не ясно. Изначально были английский и немецкий. Причем отдельных файлов локализации не предусматривается - переводы будут встроены в код программы. Наверное, имеющимися сейчас переводами (теми, что выполнены на 100%) можно свободно воспользоваться только в бесплатной версии TreeSizeFree.
Как там предоставляется обновление тем пользователям, кто купил лицензию на версию 7.0, я толком не разбирался. Но "участники" WebLate принятых jam-software к публикации переводов для проверки своих работ могут загружать ночные сборки программы версии 7.1. Пока процент перевода программы на "запрошенные" языки невелик и составляет около 30%, бесплатной версии - чуть больше, около 47%.
Возможно потому, что сам сервис перевода WebLate похож на BabelZilla - такой же тормозной и очень неудобный. Тем не менее, мне удалось себя заставить и "добить" перевод на русский и украинский почти до 100%. Что-то еще добавляется и удаляется разработчиком, что-то приходится переводить заново или исправлять перевод - окончания процесса пока не видать, но наши языки в программе будут точно.

Всего записей: 590 | Зарегистр. 04-05-2007 | Отправлено: 16:48 09-12-2018

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Очень странно, но никак не получается скачать TreeSizeFree с сайта автора. Если у кого получится - перезалейте на обменник, пжлста.

Всего записей: 433 | Зарегистр. 20-05-2006 | Отправлено: 14:31 19-12-2018

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Всего записей: 246 | Зарегистр. 10-05-2007 | Отправлено: 14:09 20-12-2018

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Тем не менее, мне удалось себя заставить и "добить" перевод на русский и украинский почти до 100%.
Если на скрине степень перевода, то отлично.

Всего записей: 22354 | Зарегистр. 18-07-2006 | Отправлено: 14:24 20-12-2018

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Можно ли в TreeSize провести создание отчёта для папки со всем содержимым, т.е. подпапками и файлами?

Всего записей: 3826 | Зарегистр. 16-10-2010 | Отправлено: 21:20 04-04-2019

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У кого нибудь встречаеться ошибка что фаилы помещеные в корзину не показывают их размер.  
И в самой программе в explorere скрытая папка recycle не показывает добавленные в нее файлы.  
И это только в 7 версии все другие версии и аналогичные программы работают.

Всего записей: 40 | Зарегистр. 09-10-2006 | Отправлено: 16:05 15-06-2019

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привет всем, у всех после загрузки сохранённых данных сканирования *.xml.zip
не активен пункт "обновить эту ветку"?

Всего записей: 3590 | Зарегистр. 01-03-2009 | Отправлено: 16:45 21-07-2019

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...не активен пункт "обновить эту ветку"?
Из ответа службы поддержки:
* Why, after loading the TreeSize Export.xml.zip file using the "Load scan from XML" command, the following commands in the context menu "Update this branch" and "Update this branch (non recursively)" are not active?      
Updating parts of an updated scan tends to result in inconsistent and quite unintuitive values. Loading the scan adds a note to the root to make it clear that the data is being loaded and thus represents the state at a specific time. Updating/Refreshing the whole scan removes this hint.
* Why the program several times displays the data of the same TreeSize Export.xml.zip file, if you load the data of this file several times. After all, the file data is not changed?  
This is a rather unusual use case, but I have to agree that there should be no need to load the export twice. I will set this for discussion within the team.

Всего записей: 590 | Зарегистр. 04-05-2007 | Отправлено: 13:48 22-07-2019 | Исправлено: Kopejkin, 13:49 22-07-2019

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TreeSize Pro (06 Jun 2019)  

Main module:
•TreeSize is now available in Slovenian.
•Bugfix: Scans of NetApp systems could lead to unexpected results, in case of missing access rights. These folders are now accessed correctly again.
•Bugfix: Scanning SharePoint servers that contain folders with specific special characters (% and #) in their names could lead to an error. TreeSize is now able to capture these folders as well.
•Bugfix: An error during scans via SSH with system language “French” has been resolved.
•Bugfix: Loading XML reports that contain multiple scans could lead to an incorrect size value for “All scans” in the directory tree. This issue has been resolved.
•Bugfix: Automated TreeSize tasks will be shown in TreeSize’s task dialog again, after being modified via Windows’ task scheduler.
•Bugfix: Pie charts for file extensions are now shown correctly again in combination with view mode “Percent”.
•Bugfix: A display issue on Windows 7, using the “classic” theme has been resolved.
•Bugfix: Help files are now installed correctly, when language Russian is selected during the installation.
•Bugfix: Pressing the backspace key will now select the parent folder of the current selection, as in previous versions.
•Bugfix: When scanning a folder, TreeSize will now show the name of the drive in the directory tree next to the folder name again.
•Bugfix: Tooltips that are shown for the drive list will no longer flicker.
File Search:
•Bugfix: Sorting by the column „Last saved by” could lead to an error. This has been resolved.

Всего записей: 4184 | Зарегистр. 26-02-2013 | Отправлено: 18:34 07-08-2019

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TreeSize Pro V7.1.2 (06 Aug 2019)

Main module:
•Renaming files and folders in the Details list now works as expected even if the scan is still in progress.
•The data copied from the Details list to the clipboard can now be pasted as a table to other applications (e.g.  
Excel) again.
•Bugfix: When importing an XML report which contains data from an unreliable or high latency network share,  
TreeSize may have become unresponsive. This issue has been fixed.
•Bugfix: In rare cases, TreeSize may have become unresponsive when scanning a host using SSH. This issue has  
been fixed.
•Bugfix: The filter mechanism in case multiple include filters are defined on the “Full Path” now works again  
•Bugfix: Opening a document file from within TreeSize could lead to an unhandled exception in some situations.  
This issue has been fixed.
•Bugfix: When sending emails via MAPI, under certain circumstances a dialog could have been shown stating the  
application seemed to be frozen, even though TreeSize was still responsive. This issue has been fixed.
•Several minor improvements and fixes have been included.
File Search:
•Custom list separators for exports defined by the Options dialog of the main module, are now used for exports of  
the File Search as well.
•Using the command line parameter /DEDUPLICATE now activates the Duplicate search automatically.
•The „Compress“ option of the context menu of the search results can now be used again correctly.
•The „Invert selection“ action now works correctly with results of the Duplicate search.
•Bugfix: A possible issue when searching the content of specific UTF-8 coded files has been fixed.
•Bugfix: Search patterns defined for a custom search consisting of blank characters only will now be restored  
correctly after restarting the File Search.

Prepare for unforeseen consequences

Всего записей: 971 | Зарегистр. 30-03-2016 | Отправлено: 15:51 12-08-2019

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Version 7.1.4 15 January 2020
•A possible error when quickly changing the sort column of the Details list has been fixed.
•An error when exporting multiple scan targets into one PDF file was fixed.
In some cases, the order of the scans in the directory tree changed unintended. It now always represents the order in which the scans have been added.
•File search: Drag&drop of files and folders from the result list now works again.
•File search: The function to import and export a list of paths is now also available in the Personal Edition.
•File search: A possible error when calculating directory sizes during the search was fixed.
•File search: A possible user interface freeze when deleting many files at once was fixed.
•File search: When using search filters for file type and file name at the same time, they are now combined correctly.
•File search: A problem that could lead to an incomplete import of search results was fixed.

Prepare for unforeseen consequences

Всего записей: 971 | Зарегистр. 30-03-2016 | Отправлено: 17:56 20-01-2020

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Version 8.0 28 July 2020
-The component for managing the installation key has been renewed. This fixes issues that some customers have experienced with the Windows Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR) security option, Carbon Black security software, and Lumension Endpoint Protection. Therefore, all customers need new installation keys for V8, which are available through our customer area.
-A new dialog for selecting a scan targets has been added. Even complex paths and URLs can now be compiled with a few clicks.
-A search box at the top of the main window (available in Windows 10), as well as in the Options dialog, now allows searching for actions or settings quickly and conveniently.
-Scans of network drives are now up to ten times faster.
-Explicitly added network drives and UNC paths are now displayed in the drive overview even if they are currently not accessible.
-The function for restricting the view to one file extension has been improved and allows a restriction to a complete file group.
-The "Name" column is no longer scrolled out of the visible area in all lists. This makes it easier to view tables with many activated columns.
-Screen scaling for multiple monitors with different resolutions has been improved.
-If a drive locked with BitLocker is scanned, the dialog for entering the password now appears automatically if the drive has not been unlocked yet.
-Bugfix: The progress bar when comparing a scan with another path now starts at 0 instead of the number of files in the original scan.
Directory Tree
-The small progress bar in the directory tree has been visually modernized. It now scales correctly on high-resolution monitors for which Windows screen scaling is enabled.
-A file selected in the directory tree is now opened or executed by pressing Enter.
Details list
-In the Details list, checkboxes can now be displayed for the individual elements to simplify complex selections. File operations such as copy, move, rename or delete can then be applied to the selection.
-The background context menu of the Details list has been extended and now allows further actions, such as creating a new folder.
-The preview pane on the right of the Details list and the File Search results now shows more metadata, like: File version, keywords, "Last Saved By" for office files, etc.
-For EML, EXE and DLL files, the "Author" column now shows available values of the file.
-All charts that show a part of the directory hierarchy now have a button to navigate up one level in the hierarchy. As before, you can navigate downwards in the hierarchy by double-clicking an element.
-The history now offers the option to display sizes of older scans for which different filters were used in the scan options, which may limit the comparability of results. The new option "Ignore Scan Filters" can be found in the ribbon bar "History" under "Show".
-An error was fixed in the file age statistics for the number of files displayed.
-The pie, bar, and tree map charts now also take a restriction to a file extension or a user into account and thus show the same values as in the directory tree and the Details list.
-TreeSize now also supports multi-factor authentication when accessing SharePoint Online.
-The number of versions of files on a SharePoint are now correctly displayed in the corresponding column of the details list.
-When examining SharePoint servers, the file attributes are now determined correctly.
-For files and folders on SharePoint servers, available values are now displayed in the "Description" column.
-TreeSize now also supports the display of free and total available disk space on SharePoint pages.
Amazon S3
-The syntax to scan all available Amazon S3 buckets has changed from s3:// to s3://* to be more consistent with similar cases. If you supply credentials within the URL please use: s3://Key:Hiddenkey@*
-You can now also delete folders from Amazon S3 Storage that contain non-empty subfolders.
SSH / Linux Scans
-The available file operations for SSH scans have been extended. For example, it is now possible to create new folders in scanned SSH structures.
-SSH scans now support the ECDSA host key algorithm.
-The "Permissions" column now also shows the file permissions for SSH scans using the common Linux/Unix format. This applies to all lists in which the "Permissions" column is available ("Details", "Top 100 Files", file search result lists).
-Column headers are no longer truncated when exporting to text format and plaintext emails. Instead, they are wrapped to multiple lines if necessary.
-The file export in HTML format now includes all graphics in the HTML file. Previously, graphics were stored as individual files next to the .html file. As of now they are embedded. This change makes it more convenient to move or forward HTML exports. For technical reasons, this increases the runtime for HTML exports and the size of the resulting HTML file.
-When selecting the export options, you can now choose whether an additional "[Files]" element should be exported for each directory.
-The font used for PDF exports is now based on the system settings and the current application language. This means that Asian fonts can now be correctly exported to PDF.
-The size values in the exported data now also respect a filter set in the user interface for a file extension or a user.
Command line (Professional Edition only)
-Using the parameters /EXCEL /APPENDTOFILES False, existing Excel files can now be completely overwritten during export.
-The new parameter /EXPORTTITLE allows to configure the title line in exports. The /TITLE parameter can still be used to replace the path with your own text for a single scan, or to change the name of a custom file search.
-When exporting to an Excel file via /EXCEL, the /APPENDTOFILES parameter can now be used together with /SHEETNAME to append the data to the specified sheet.
-The new parameter /IMPORTPATTERNS can be used to load filters from a file.
-For XML exports, the /DATE parameter now adds the date before the .XML.ZIP file extension, instead of between .XML and .ZIP as before.
-PDF files are now correctly attached to email exports with multiple scans (when exporting from the command line).
-When exporting to Excel via command line and only a file name is specified for the export file (instead of an explicit path), the export is now stored in the current working directory.
File operations
-The File Operations dialog now provides separate radio buttons for selecting the move and copy operations.
-The “Move Elements to Recycle Bin” and “Delete Elements from Hard Disk” options have been merged to “Delete Elements” item. Using the new “Move to Recycle Bin” checkbox, elements can still be moved to the recycle bin (if supported for the drive).
-When selecting “Zip Items”, there is now an additional option “Keep original items after zipping” which prevents the zipped files from being deleted from their original location.
-The File Operations dialog now also allows to move or copy files to Amazon S3 Storages, SharePoint or Linux/Unix servers.
-The usability of the dialog for renaming multiple files at once has been improved
File search
-The order of the custom searches can now be changed using drag & drop.
-The search for duplicate files now offers the additional comparison method "Size and Date": This method compares files only by their file size and the date of their last modification.
-The column "Matching condition" is now also available in the custom search. It shows which of the search filters caused the element to be listed in the search results.
-The search patterns for searching for temporary and obsolete files have been improved.
-The dialog for scheduling automated tasks has been enhanced with additional elements so that for automated file operations (move, copy, delete), all options otherwise available in the user interface can now be set directly when creating the task. (Professional Edition only)
Compatibility Changes
-The operating systems Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 are no longer supported, so at least Windows 7 or Windows Server 2008 R2 is required now, as well as .Net Framework 4.7.2 or higher, which should already be installed on your system by Windows Update.
-The TreeSize user interface is now also available in Chinese (Simplified), Danish and Czech.

Всего записей: 5744 | Зарегистр. 30-01-2003 | Отправлено: 00:08 29-07-2020 | Исправлено: garryroma, 00:11 29-07-2020

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TreeSize Professional 8.0.1 Build 1498

File Search: Fixed a possible user interface freeze when the preview window is displayed during an ongoing search.
File Search: The column "Number of versions" is now also available in the dialog for additional search filters.
File Search: A potential error when deleting or moving files in the demo version was fixed.
Sorting by the number of versions now works as expected.
In some cases, the row height of the last row of an Excel export was too small. This problem has been fixed.
Scans exported from TreeSize (in XML.ZIP format) can now also be opened with the 'Open with...' function from the context menu of the Windows Explorer.
Columns for user and file type statistics are now exported with correct values even if the corresponding statistics are not included in the export.
When using the file operations dialog, username and password for files on Amazon S3 Storages, SharePoint or Linux/Unix servers were queried multiple times in certain cases. This problem has been fixed.
An error in the display of the file type diagram was fixed. The diagram is now displayed correctly even with an active filter on a file type.
An error when searching for duplicates on mobile devices was fixed.
Sending exports as e-mail attachments now works as expected again.
Some minor improvements were made to the usability and reactivity of the dialog for selecting scan targets. The folder "Quick Access" is now also available here.
An occasional error in the position of the “Details” slider of the treemap was fixed.
The calculation of directory depth for folders on SharePoint pages was corrected. The value was always one less than expected.
The file age statistics now works correctly again if the creation date is selected as the basis for the statistics in the TreeSize Options.
Fixed calculation of percentage values for folders larger than 8TB.
Exports from the command line without explicitly specifying an /EXPAND parameter for export depth have been speeded up. (Professional Edition only)

Всего записей: 2124 | Зарегистр. 15-12-2018 | Отправлено: 20:21 28-08-2020

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Version 8.0.2 released 8 October 2020
-Command line: Using the parameters /EXCEL /APPENDTOFILES False, existing Excel files can now be completely overwritten during export. (Professional Edition only)
-An error in grouping folders when creating a collapsible Excel report was fixed.
-TreeSize no longer loses focus after displaying a progress dialog.
-On a few systems, delays could occur when starting TreeSize. This problem has been fixed.  
-When exporting several lists into one Excel file, wrong sheet names were used in some cases. This problem has been fixed.
-The language of the used MSI installer is now correctly adopted by TreeSize.  
-Encoding problems are fixed that occurred when copying or moving from Amazon S3 Storage, SharePoint or Linux/Unix servers with files that contain spaces in their name.
-The order of charts included in an export has been corrected and is now consistent for all export methods.
-The "Apply permissions to each item" option of the File Operations dialog created target folders with the file attribute "Hidden" in some cases. This error has been fixed.
-When sending reports by e-mail for a scheduled scan with multiple scan targets, only one e-mail with all results is now sent, instead of sending them separately for each scan target.
-The hyperlinks in the 'Containing path' column for Excel exports were corrected
-A problem that could occur when exporting the list of file types to an Excel file has been solved.
-An error when sorting the list of file types was fixed.
-Environment variables (e.g. %Date%) in the path of an exported file are now resolved correctly again.
-File search: A possible error when displaying the error list in the duplicate search was fixed.
-File search: When importing older TreeSize options (v7.0 or older), the activated columns of the result lists are now correctly restored.
-Other minor bugfixes and improvements were made.

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Всего записей: 5744 | Зарегистр. 30-01-2003 | Отправлено: 16:30 09-10-2020 | Исправлено: garryroma, 16:32 09-10-2020

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Version 8.0.3 released 9 December 2020
- File search: A problem with sending emails via command line was fixed.
- An error that could occur on systems with a customized "Regional Format" system setting while sending emails via SMTP was fixed.
- The options for managing the history data in the ribbon bar are now active again.
- The location US East 2 (Ohio) for Amazon S3 storage is now properly supported.
- A problem that could occur with license management on systems with outdated certificates was fixed.

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Всего записей: 5744 | Зарегистр. 30-01-2003 | Отправлено: 22:52 10-12-2020

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Version 8.1.0 released 17 March 2021
changelog: https://www.jam-software.com/treesize/changes.shtml

Всего записей: 5744 | Зарегистр. 30-01-2003 | Отправлено: 23:48 18-03-2021
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