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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » BitTorrent / БитТоррент сеть и клиенты (часть 1)

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

Widok (27-01-2006 16:47): лимит страниц, переезд сюда.  Версия для печати • ПодписатьсяДобавить в закладки
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Дед Мазай
Редактировать | Профиль | Сообщение | Цитировать | Сообщить модератору
Version 1.3.1-beta (build 375)
- Feature: Label in RSS filters
- Feature: Added select/deselect items to add-torrent dialog
- Fix: RSS parser supports more feeds
- Fix: RSS window issues on win98/non-unicode
Version 1.3.1-beta (build 374)
- Feature: Added boss key
- Feature: Turn on/off multiscrape
- Feature: Statistics on help menu
- Feature: Option to enable/disable new tray behavior
- Feature: Double click in files list opens the file
- Feature: Use Shift when clicking on the main listview's columns to setup a secondary sorting order.
- Feature: Ability to select label from the Bitcomet style add dialog
- Feature: Support sending a hostname to the tracker (it will be resolved)
- Feature: Bitcomet style Torrent Add dialog.
- Feature: Added-On column
- Feature: Delete thumbs.db when deleting torrents
- Feature: Append .!ut to incomplete files.
- Feature: RSS Reader
- Feature: Ability to not put computer in standby while torrents are active.
- Feature: Multi scrape.
- Feature: Check for updates every day.
- Feature: Don't send HAVE pieces to seeds.
- Feature: Timeout requests that never arrive
- Change: Tray icon activation behaves somewhat differently if window is in the background.
- Change: Rearranged settings dialog
- Fix: New algorithm to minimize the number of waste pieces.
- Fix: Added some clients to version decoder
- Fix: Don't start multiple processes on Japanese windows.
- Fix: Fixed unpause bug.
- Fix: Disconnect peers if global slots reached even if local slots not reached.
- Fix: Tweaked performance on high speed connections
- Fix: Use less CPU when force spam_detecteding skipped files.
- Fix: Disk Overloaded feature wasn't working right.
- Fix: Refresh window immediately when adding a torrent through explorer.
- Fix: Speed graph would wrap for very large numbers.
- Fix: Save to a network share didn't work.
- Fix: Some more strings are now translatable.
- Fix: Lower DNS caching time.
- Fix: Better move up/down
- Fix: Fix crash in files tab.

Всего записей: 38875 | Зарегистр. 26-02-2002 | Отправлено: 13:31 25-12-2005 | Исправлено: Maz, 13:32 25-12-2005

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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » BitTorrent / БитТоррент сеть и клиенты (часть 1)
Widok (27-01-2006 16:47): лимит страниц, переезд сюда.

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