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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » X-Ways WinHex

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

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Gold Member
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* Fixed an exception error that could occur when adding media whose model designation X-Ways Forensics could not determine to cases with active "Improved recognition of physical media".
* Accelerated byte-level JPEG carving in partitions with certain data.
* Various minor improvements.
* Fixed computed total capacity for certain internally reconstructed RAIDs.
* Fixed an error in the crash-safe text decoding option which could lead to incomplete decoding results in certain situations.
* The option "Omit directories" for logical searches did not have an effect for some file systems. That was fixed.
* Avoided unnecessary error messages when copying from a directory on a remote network drive to an evidence file container with certain settings.
* Some minor improvements and fixes.
* Fixed an instability in the Recover/Copy dialog window in SR-10.
* Fixed logical AND combination of associations with automatically generated report table.
* Fixed occasional inability to remove report table associations.
* More thorough support for certain Exif GPS data.
* Fixed an exception error that could occur when processing livecomm.edb files.
* Certain extremely fragmented files in NTFS volumes were not opened correctly in v17.7 SR-9 and SR-10 as well as v17.8 SR-6 through SR-12. That was fixed.
* Avoided garbage characters in the table "Partitions by disk signature" of the registry report in the 64-bit edition.
* Fixed an exception error that could occur when importing report table definition files whose names are enclosed in square brackets in v17.5 and later.
* Support for Apple partitionining on disks with a sector size of 4 KB. (Still testing.)
* Some minor fixes and improvements.

Всего записей: 9261 | Зарегистр. 11-09-2009 | Отправлено: 14:20 25-09-2014
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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » X-Ways WinHex

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