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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » JRiver Media Center | J.River Media Center

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Silver Member
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1. Changed: The check for duplicates is back for playlists, but it should only fire when actively adding files to a playlist.
2. Changed: Updated Italian translation (thanks matteo e massimo).
3. Changed: German translation updated (thanks ByteStar).
4. NEW: You can right-click a column and pick "Remove Column From Sorting" to keep the rest of the sort order but remove that single column.
5. NEW: Media Center will verify the SSL certificate of the Media Server, and ask the user for confirmation if it is untrusted (trust is also established through the Access Key lookup).
6. Changed: The disc mode "Ask every time" would not ask when a new disc was inserted in Theater View.  Now it will.
7. NEW: Added the playlist format "M3U (extended)" to the types for a handheld to write the #EXTINF portion.
8. Changed: TV recording on CableCARD channels in transport stream format is done in a different component from before.  This change should not have any user noticeable effect.  Should you see difference in behavior please report to us.
9. NEW: Added a "Remove All" button to the sort configuration window (in the menu).
10. Fixed: The truncation tooltip did not honor the transparency mode set in Options.
11. Fixed: Wikipedia movie results were not loading due to changes at Wikipedia.
12. Changed: Reporter was too slow with larger libraries.
13. NEW: Panel - Added alternate text to images in the player.
14. Changed: Panel - Changed the default Panel theme to Light.
15. Fixed: Panel - Button background colors sometimes would not load in the correct order.
16. Fixed: Panel - Enabling Ignore Articles in Media Center was breaking the page selection slider.
17. NEW: Added the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+B to backup the current library.
18. NEW: Added a "Combine..." feature for playlists to show a dialog to combine with another playlist and offer choices for the combine method.
19. Changed: Updated Italian translation (thanks matteo e massimo).
20. Fixed: WMV files which do not play with the Microsoft ASF/WMV reader will be opened with LAV Splitter instead, fixing playback.
21. Fixed: DVB TV recordings in transport stream format did not include subtitle packets.
22. NEW: DVB Subtitle support for live TV.  Untested, please test and report how it works.
23. Fixed: The check for duplicates popup could show up when it should not have.

Всего записей: 4175 | Зарегистр. 26-02-2013 | Отправлено: 21:44 09-10-2018 | Исправлено: frost745, 21:45 09-10-2018
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