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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » WinMerge | WinMerge 2 | WinMerge2011

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WinMerge 2.16.10 - 2021-01-30
BugFix: Fixed processing that uses GetAsyncKeyState(). (GitHub PR #505)
BugFix: Fixed the problem that the language setting is not applied to the context menu of the MDI tab when the language setting is changed. (GitHub PR #523)
BugFix: command-line option /x did not work for binary and image comparison
BugFix: Substiturions vs. Substitutions (GitHub #551)
Swap Panes functionality for 3 way compares (Issue #507) (GitHub PR #533)
[feature request] Add options to command line to change "compare methods"
(GitHub #530)
Added the command line option "/s-" to ensure that another instance is always executed, ignoring the value of the 'Allow only one instance to run' option.
File compare
BugFix: WinMerge crashes with mouse double click (GitHub #531)
BugFix: Fixed an issue where the message box "The report has been created successfully." was displayed even if the report creation failed.
BugFix: BUG: Doesn't respect "Don't ask this question again" checkbox when comparing large files (GitHub #574)
The Location pane doesn't draw a line connecting moved differences by default (GitHub #498)
Update crystallineparser.cpp - AutoIt (*.au3) support as a "Basic" (GitHub PR #543)
s_apszAutoItKeywordList[] - actualization for AutoIt (GitHub PR #584)
Added JavaScript and JSON syntax highligher (osdn.net #41083)
Added View -> Diff Context -> Invert menu item
Feature Request: Move To Next File option while comparing files #475 (GitHub PR #561)
A new feature "Ignored Substutions" (GitHub PR #544,#549,#560) ("Ignored Substitutions" was renamed to "Substitution Filters")
Folder compare
BugFix: Winmerge crashes consistently when deleting files (GitHub #491)
BugFix: Copy Folder does not copy subfolders and I don't see any option for it (GitHub #537)
Table compare
Added File -> New -> Table menu item
Binary compare
Added File -> New -> Binary menu item
Image compare
Implement copy and paste images (GitHub PR #524)
Added File -> New -> Image menu item
Added Image -> Compare Extracted Text From Image menu item
Filter dialog
Making CPropertySheet resizable needs some re-work. (Issue #509) (GitHub PR #535)
Patch Generator dialog
BugFix: Crash when generating patch (GitHub #521)
Translation updates:
Dutch (GitHub #578,#579,#580)
Galician (GitHub PR #493,#538,#570)
German (GitHub PR #532,#548,#563,#585)
Lithuanian (GitHub PR #496,#528,#536,#562,#564)
Portuguese (GitHub PR #495)
Slovenian (GitHub #553,#565)
Russian (GitHub PR #494)
Update manual (GitHub PR #497,#513,#546)
Small tweaks for the Manual (GitHub PR #508)
Windows XP Pro SP0 vs Requirements (GitHub #515)
Fix Various Warnings (GitHub PR #539)
Various fixes to testing (GitHub PR #545)
Some tweaks for translations status (GitHub PR #556)
Link error when building Plugins\src_VCPP\DisplayXMLFiles with Visual Studio 2019 16.7.7 (GitHub #554)
Link error when building VCPP plugin DisplayXMLFiles with Visual Studio 2019 16.7.7 (GitHub #555)
Link warnings when building VCPP plugin DisplayXMLFiles with Visual Studio 2019 16.7.7 (GitHub #558)
Some more files should be added to the .gitignore file (GitHub #559)

Всего записей: 2108 | Зарегистр. 15-12-2018 | Отправлено: 23:17 30-01-2021
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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » WinMerge | WinMerge 2 | WinMerge2011

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