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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » KeePass Password Safe (Часть 1)

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

gyra (11-12-2020 07:18): KeePass Password Safe (Часть 2)  Версия для печати • ПодписатьсяДобавить в закладки
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New Features:
- Added commands 'Find Duplicate Passwords' and 'Find Similar Passwords' (in 'Edit' -> 'Show Entries'), which show entries that are using the same or similar passwords.
- Added command 'Password Quality Report' (in 'Edit' -> 'Show Entries'), which shows all entries and the estimated quality of their passwords.
- Added option 'String name' in the 'Edit' -> 'Find' dialog (for searching entries that have a specific custom string field).
- Added option for using a gray tray icon.
- Added {CMD:/.../} placeholder, which runs a command line.
- Added {T-CONV:/.../Raw/} placeholder, which inserts a text without encoding it for the current context.
- Added optional 'Last Password Modification Time (Based on History)' entry list column.
- The internal text editor now supports editing PS1 files.
- The position and size of the internal data viewer is now remembered and restored.
- For various dialogs, the maximized state is now remembered and restored.
- Added configuration option for specifying an expiry date for master keys.
- Added configuration option for specifying disallowed auto-type target windows.
- Added workaround for Edge throwing away all keyboard input for a short time after its activation.
- Added workaround for Mono not properly rendering bold and italic text in rich text boxes.
- TrlUtil now performs a case-sensitive word validation.
- The password input controls in the IO connection dialog and the proxy dialog now are secure edit controls.
- The icon of the 'Save' command in the main menu is now grayed out when there are no database changes (like the toolbar button).
- Auto-Type: improved support for target applications that redirect the focus immediately.
- Auto-Type: improved compatibility with VMware vSphere client.
- When an error occurs during auto-type, KeePass is now brought to the foreground before showing an error message box.
- Entries in groups where searching is disabled (e.g. the recycle bin group) are now ignored by the commands that show expired entries.
- Improved scrolling when moving entries while grouping in the entry list is on.
- Improved support for right-to-left writing systems.
- Improved application and system tray icon handling.
- Updated low resolution ICO files (for Mono development).
- Moved single-click tray icon action option from the 'Integration' tab to the 'Interface' tab of the options dialog.
- Synchronization file path comparisons are case-insensitive now.
- Improved workaround for Mono clipboard bug (improved performance and window detection; the workaround is now applied only if 'xsel' and 'xdotool' are installed).
- Enhanced PrepMonoDev.sh script.
- KPScript: times in group and entry lists now contain a time zone identifier (typically 'Z' for UTC).
- Various code optimizations.
- Minor other improvements.
- The drop-down menu commands in the entry editing dialog for setting the expiry date now work as expected.

Всего записей: 9261 | Зарегистр. 11-09-2009 | Отправлено: 21:30 09-06-2017

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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » KeePass Password Safe (Часть 1)
gyra (11-12-2020 07:18): KeePass Password Safe (Часть 2)

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