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Модерирует : gyra, Maz

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Version 19.04, 2019-04-23
+ USAC: DRC effect types, Sample peak level, True peak level, Program loudness
+ HDR: SMPTE ST 2094 App 4 (including HDR10+) support
+ HDR: move HDR10, Dolby Vision and SL-HDR meta to specific generic "HDR Format" lines
+ Matroska: SMPTE ST 2086 (HDR10) support
+ Matroska: FieldOrder support
+ HEIF image format support
+ AV1: support of AV1 in MP4, HEIF, IVF
+ MOV: Add a lot more countries to AppleStoreCountry field internal list
+ MXF: Fix memory leak when fully parsing big file with acquisition metadata
+ HEVC: more HEVC profiles (Multiview, Scalable, Screen Content...)
+ AAC: better handling of corrupted streams
+ AAC: better handling of unknown channel layouts
+ AVC in MP4: better support of corrupted streams
x B1101, AVI: fix crash with some invalid streams
x B1101, SMPTE ST 337: fix crash with some invalid streams
x Matroska: chapters timestamp were not display if chapters have no name
x MXF: Fix false positive truncated file detection when there is no Random Index Pack
x AAC: channel layout typos (Rls instead of Lrs, Lr instead of Rb)
x ProRes: correctly show color space if alpha plane is present
x MPEG Audio: some VBR files use "Info" Xing header, so we ignore the difference between "Info" and "Xing"
x I943, MPEG-4: wrong display aspect ratio in some corner cases (32-bit release only)
x I1096, OGG: assign METADATA_BLOCK_PICTURE tag to cover

Всего записей: 1647 | Зарегистр. 12-04-2012 | Отправлено: 12:45 24-04-2019
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