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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Утилиты буфера обмена | Clipboard Managers

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

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Ideas on using
One of the best uses of Clipjump Channels is using it as a top 10 repository for storing frequently used items. As said above , you can copy and thus save your signatures , blog links and avatar images in a channel and quickle access them when needed.
See Also: Protected Channels  
The "Pit" Channel
The Pit channel is a reserved channel NAME with automatic Incognito feature. When a channel is named as Pit, the channel does not transfer it's clips to the Clipjump History thus creating a false INCOGNITO MODE situation. Note that when a channel named Pit is active, the INCOGNITO mode is physically not turned ON and so you don't see the Clipjump's tray icon being grayed out.
The "Pit" channel can be quickly used to capture junk or confidential data to Clipjump and then delete them all at once with the Delete ALL mode (Ctrl + V + X(5 times))  
Protected Channels
Protected Channels are user defined special channels that require confirmation before each copy of clipboard data to them.  
If you copy some text while a protected channel is active, you will see a confirmation tip with a sharp beep to proceed further. This can be very useful and should be used a check to store data in a precious channel that is damn meant to store single kind of data.
To create a protected channel, precede it's name with _ i.e. a underscore . Any channel whose name starts with an underscore is a protected channel.
Tip - To remove the beep, change the variable protected_DoBeep to 0 from ClipjumpCustom.ini.
The code is protected_DoBeep = 0. Add it in a section with no 'bind', one which is auto-executed at Clipjump start.  

Всего записей: 457 | Зарегистр. 28-01-2006 | Отправлено: 00:27 14-04-2014 | Исправлено: vadim3sh, 00:55 14-04-2014
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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Утилиты буфера обмена | Clipboard Managers

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