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Authors: TymurGubayev
Version: 1.0
 marks folding keywords with find.mark.MNr
 tested only with lua (other languages require customization)
 may work OOB correct with C
 * add the script to SciTEStartup.lua
 * add find.mark.6=#CC00FF,@50 to your properties
(or find.mark.6=#FFFFFF,plain or something else on your choice)
 * modify the tables of keywords, if needed (it should work good with Lua and C out of the box)
 * make a look at constants section
-- shortcuts
local editor = editor
-- constants
local NEWLINELENGTH = 2 -- is it possible to get this from editor propertys?..
local MNr = 6 -- Mark style Nr used in the script
local trunk = 2^4 -- only 4 bits are used to define level of line
local function GetLevel ( index )
    return (editor.FoldLevel[ index ])%trunk
end -- GetLevel
local keywords = {}
    keywords.foldstart = { 'if', 'local function', 'function', 'repeat', 'while', 'for', 'do', '{', '('}
    keywords.foldend = { 'end', 'until', '}', ')' } --@todo: brackets dont work really correct
    keywords.foldmid = {
        ['if'] = {'then','elseif','else'},
        ['while'] = {'do'},
        ['for'] = {'do'},
local function MarkKeywordInLine ( lineNr, keywords )
    local line = editor:GetLine(lineNr)
    if not line then return end -- in case of EOF
    local keyword, _start, _end
    for _, k in ipairs( keywords ) do
        _start, _end = line:find( k, 1, true)
        if _start then
            keyword = k
    end --for
    if not keyword then  
        --error("No keyword found?!! It's impossible!!!")
    local pos = editor:PositionFromLine(lineNr)
    EditorMarkText( pos+_start-1, #keyword, MNr )
    return keyword, pos
end -- MarkKeywordInLine
local function MarkKeywordsInBlock ( midkeywords, blockstart, blockend )
    if not midkeywords then return end
    local level = GetLevel( editor:LineFromPosition(blockstart) )
    for i = 1, #midkeywords do
        local keyword = midkeywords[ i ]
        local searchstart = blockstart
        local _start = editor:findtext( keyword, SCFIND_WHOLEWORD, searchstart, blockend )
        while _start do
            if not IsComment(_start) then
                local linelvl = GetLevel( editor:LineFromPosition(_start) )
                if linelvl == level then
                    EditorMarkText( _start, #keyword, MNr )
                elseif linelvl == level+1 then -- process 'elseif'-case
                    local lineNr = editor:LineFromPosition(_start)
                    local linestart = editor:PositionFromLine(lineNr)
                    local _, linelength = editor:GetLine(lineNr)
                    -- is the line with keyword start of a new block?
                    local hasstartblockkey = false
                    for k, _ in pairs( keywords.foldmid ) do
                        if editor:findtext( k, SCFIND_WHOLEWORD, linestart, linestart+linelength ) then
                            hasstartblockkey = true
                    end --for
                    if not hasstartblockkey then
                        EditorMarkText( _start, #keyword, MNr )
                    end --if
            end -- if
            searchstart = _start + #keyword
            _start = editor:findtext( keyword, SCFIND_WHOLEWORD, searchstart, blockend )
    end -- for
end -- MarkKeywordsInBlock
local function Update( lineNr )
    lineNr = lineNr or editor:GetLine()
    -- local lineNr = 25
    local foldstart = editor.FoldParent[ lineNr ] + 1
    if foldstart == 0 then return end
    local level = GetLevel( lineNr )
    local foldend = lineNr
    while GetLevel( foldend ) >= level do
       foldend = foldend + 1
    local keyword, _start = MarkKeywordInLine( foldstart-1, keywords.foldstart )
    local _, _end = MarkKeywordInLine( foldend-1, keywords.foldend )
    if _end then
        MarkKeywordsInBlock( keywords.foldmid[keyword], _start, _end )
-- Add user event handler OnUpdateUI
local old_OnUpdateUI = OnUpdateUI
function OnUpdateUI ()
    local result
    if old_OnUpdateUI then result = old_OnUpdateUI() end
    if props['FileName'] ~= '' then
    return result

Всего записей: 6 | Зарегистр. 29-11-2007 | Отправлено: 19:30 29-10-2009

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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » SciTE - Open Source Text Editor for Windows & Linux
Widok (23-11-2010 11:23): Лимит страниц. Продолжаем здесь

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