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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Bitsum Process Lasso

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

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Addition.Core: Added the ability to automatically restart select processes if they terminate (keeps them running always)
Addition.Core: Added new 'lowest' throttle level
Addition.Core: Extended our NT Native code to include support for process command lines
Addition.GUI: Added facilitating UI code to 'keep running' processes (dialog, context menu, rule indication)
Addition.GUI: Added back Modules tab (removed a year ago as we streamlined the product)
Addition.GUI: Added option to automatically restart the core engine if it is terminated for any reason
Addition.GUI: Added new 'lowest' throttle level - now four tiers: highest, moderate, low, lowest
Addition.GUI: Added system uptime to status bar
Addition.GUI: Added command line column to process listview
Addition.GUI: Added keyboard shortcut 'Del' (delete key) - it will terminate all selected process(es)
Addition.GUI: When adding process to 'keep running' via the context menu, the current command line is also configured
Addition.GUI: Add improved command line support to process restart capability (for both single and multi-select)
Change.Core: Tweaks to ProBalance parameters
Change.GUI: Affinity submenus now disabled for single-CPU systems
Change.GUI: Some cosmetic and usability enhancements
Change.GUI: Swapped working set and commit size default column locations
Change.GUI: Improved message box appearance and functionality by updating to XMessageBox 1.10 (by Hans Dietrich) and migrating our customizations to his code
Change.GUI: Changed 'Exit GUI on close' to 'close to system tray' (its more understandable inverse)
Change.Build: Tweaks to compiler optimization settings
Fix.GUI: Fix for a theoretical rare crash that could have occurred during startup
Fix.GUI: Fixed missing MessageBox icons in x64 build

Всего записей: 1024 | Зарегистр. 21-01-2007 | Отправлено: 23:03 08-07-2009 | Исправлено: simens007, 06:05 09-07-2009
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