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TightVNC 2.0.3
- Server for Windows: Fixed a bug which prevented file transfers from working properly under Windows 2000.
- Server for Windows: Introducing new "error handler" which allows saving memory dumps on critical errors.
- Server for Windows: In systems with swapped left and right mouse buttons, remote mouse events will be adjusted accordingly. As a result, the remote mouse should work just like the local one.
- Server for Windows: Fixed a number of problems led to errors on setting service passwords from the installer.
- Server for Windows: Not allowing to enter administrative passwords longer than eight characters. This limitation is caused by using standard DES-based VNC-compatible authentication. Previous versions used only the first eight characters anyway but it was possible to enter longer passwords and that could confuse users who did not know about the limitation.
- Server for Windows: Fixed a problem with injecting lowercase characters when CapsLock was on on the server. Previous version generated uppercase characters when CapsLock was on, regardless of the Shift state.
- Server for Windows: Implemented a special trick to bypass the problem with generating "^6" instead of "6" when using US International keyboard layout. It looks like there is a bug in Windows so we could do nothing better than to cook a workaround specifically for this case.
- Server for Windows: Fixed clipboard handling with multiple client connections. Previously, clipboard contents might not be sent to particular clients in certain circumstances.
- Server for Windows: Adjusted log verbosity levels for log messages generated by the control interface connection, so that such messages will not overload the log any more.
Server for Windows: Improved support for simple RFB clients that cannot handle desktop size changes.
- Server for Windows: Made minor adjustments in the user interface. Specifically, the "About..." form has been cleaned up, and a typo has been corrected in the Configuration window.
- Viewer for Windows: Fixed a number of problems with keyboard handling: preventing modifier keys from being stuck on switching to/from the viewer window; distinguishing left and right modifiers properly; sending arbitrary Unicode characters even if they were not defined in the original X11 protocol; and sending correct codes for the keys on the numeric keypad.
- Viewer for Windows: Ctrl-Alt-Del combination should not depend on current ScrollLock state (which normally toggles Alt key to Meta key conversion).
- Viewer for Windows: Fixed an issue with not sending update requests after choosing Minimize then Maximize on the viewer window (as opposed to the Minimize/Restore sequence which always worked correctly).
- Viewer for Windows: Fixed a number of problems with saving and restoring connection options.
- Viewer for Windows: Fixed user interface logic in the Options window. There were incorrect dependencies between compression-related controls.
- Viewer for Windows: Improved phrasing for a number of error messages and log records in the file transfer module.
- Source Code: Visual Studio 2010 is now supported, upgraded solution and project files are included in the source distribution. Versions for Visual Studio 2008 are included as well.

Всего записей: 2954 | Зарегистр. 18-01-2007 | Отправлено: 12:29 28-05-2011 | Исправлено: faridmif, 12:30 28-05-2011
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