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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Process Hacker

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

Maz (28-12-2016 22:23): Process Hacker. Часть 2  Версия для печати • ПодписатьсяДобавить в закладки
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All Process Hacker files must be placed in to tree according in to this list
(otherwise their location is not allowed and will result in errors when the
program starts (plugin search path is fixed, any subdirectories are ignored)):
./ --- program root folder, use any location
./x86/ProcessHacker.exe - only for x64 edition copy to this folder x86 EXE (added r6015)
./x64/x86/Plugins/DotNetTools.dll - only for x64 edition copy to this folder x86 DLL (added r6024)
./plugins/ - all plug-ins can located here (*.dll)
./plugins/AtomTablePlugin.dll - minimal OS version is Windows Vista/Server 2003 R2 (added in r5485)
./plugins/AvgCpuPlugin.dll - minimal OS version is Windows Vista/Server 2003 R2 (added in r5485)
./plugins/BootEntriesPlugin.dll - (added r5994).
./plugins/DbgViewPlugin.dll - minimal OS version is Windows Vista/Server 2003 R2 (added in r5749)
./plugins/ExtendedTools.dll - minimal OS version is Windows Vista/Server 2003 R2
./plugins/FirewallMonitorPlugin.dll - required OS version is Windows 7/Server 2008 R2 (added in r6152/r1690)
./plugins/HardwareDevices.dll - (v2.38.0.178, old name NetAdaptersPlugin.dll then rename to NetAdapters.dll)
./plugins/HexPidPlugin.dll - minimal OS version is Windows Vista/Server 2003 R2 (added in r5485)
./plugins/NetExtrasPlugin.dll - (added r5993)
./plugins/PerfMonPlugin.dll - problem on not Latin-1 parameters name resolving in r5812
./plugins/ROTViewerPlugin.dll - minimal OS version is Windows Vista/Server 2003 R2 (added in r5485)
./plugins/SecurityExplorer.dll - support OS version is Windows XP SP2 - 7/Server 2003 - 2008 R2 (added in r6152/r1690)
./plugins/ServiceBackupRestorePlugin.dll (added in r6242)
./plugins/SetCriticalPlugin.dll - minimal OS version is Windows Vista/Server 2003 R2 (added in r5485)
./plugins/TaskbarExtPlugin.dll - (added in r6046)
./plugins/UMDFHostPlugin.dll - plugin merged to processhacker.exe and deleted in r5881
./plugins/WaitChainPlugin.dll - minimal OS version is Windows Vista/Server 2003 R2 (added in r5529)
delete ./plugins/HighlightPlugin.dll - merged in to User Notes plug-in and remove in r6176
delete ./plugins/ServiceExtrasPlugin.dll - merged in to ExtendedServices and remove in r5948
delete ./plugins/DiskDrivesPlugin.dll - merged in to NetAdapters and remove in v2.38.163
rename ./plugins/NetAdapters.dll to ./plugins/HardwareDevices.dll
1. If the list of plug-ins do not specify the minimum required version of OS
   Windows Vista/Server 2003 R2, it can be used on Windows XP/Server 2003.
2. For plug-ins added to the years 2014/2015 can be specified revision number
   in which it is added.
3. Some third-party plug-ins can don't work then required rebuild for new
   Process Hacker v2.37 API. Please, write all bug-report to autors on this
   plug-ins! This not Process Hacker bug, is personally problem's plug-ins
4. If You on system don't installed Debugging Tools for Windows (Debuggers And
   Tools) and You don't like install this just copy dbghelp.dll located in to
   DLL dir (see ./DLL/readme.txt for details and inctallation incructions).
Search Path Used by Windows to Locate a DLL (source - MSDN)
With both implicit and explicit linking, Windows first searches for
"known DLLs", such as Kernel32.dll and User32.dll. Windows then searches
for the DLL's in the following sequence:
- The directory where the executable module for the current process is located.
- The current directory.
- The Windows system directory. The GetSystemDirectory function retrieves the
  path of this directory.
- The Windows directory. The GetWindowsDirectory function retrieves the path
  of this directory.
- The directories listed in the PATH environment variable.
  The LIBPATH environment variable is not used.

Отправлено: 22:20 12-03-2016

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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Process Hacker
Maz (28-12-2016 22:23): Process Hacker. Часть 2

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