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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » BitTorrent (БитТоррент) сеть и клиенты

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

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Tracker Mod
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Results for your host
Is your upload traffic rate limited?
There is no indication that your ISP rate limits your uploads.
However, some of the measurements were affected by noise, which limits Glasnost ability to detect rate limiting.
* There is no indication that your ISP rate limits your BitTorrent uploads. In our tests, uploads using control flows achieved up to 2144 Kbps while uploads using BitTorrent achieved up to 2026 Kbps.
* There is no indication that your ISP rate limits uploads on port 6881 or 57989. In our tests, uploads on port 6881 achieved up to 2026 Kbps while uploads on port 57989 achieved up to 1821 Kbps.
Is your download traffic rate limited?
There is no indication that your ISP rate limits your downloads.
However, some of the measurements were affected by noise, which limits Glasnost ability to detect rate limiting.
* There is no indication that your ISP rate limits your BitTorrent downloads. In our tests, downloads using control flows achieved up to 1687 Kbps while downloads using BitTorrent achieved up to 1506 Kbps.
* There is no indication that your ISP rate limits downloads on port 6881 or 57989. In our tests, downloads on port 6881 achieved up to 1396 Kbps while downloads on port 57989 achieved up to 1687 Kbps.

Всего записей: 33235 | Зарегистр. 31-07-2002 | Отправлено: 23:23 28-07-2011 | Исправлено: Victor_VG, 23:24 28-07-2011
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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » BitTorrent (БитТоррент) сеть и клиенты

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