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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Notepad2 | Notepad2-mod | Notepad3

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

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data man

Advanced Member
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Fix: Correct in-memory encoding/re-coding of text.
Fix: Join Lines (preserve paragraphs) issue.
New: Accelerator Key Ctrl+Alt+J -> Fuse Lines (:= Join Lines, line-breaks NOT replaced by Space).
Fix: Byte counting for selection.
Fix: Bug in joining lines algorithm.
Fix: Alt+H should open history file access dialog not help menu (add ? to revert to known access key).
CR: Reverting back to ? for help menu and activation (Alt+?) key.
CR: Accelerator Key F1 now opens Online Documentation in browser.
Cleanup: Highlight current line stuff gathered.
Added: Setting2 parameter to adjust "Mark Occ" and "Hyperlink" styling delay.
Fix: Revisit usage of "Mark Occurrences" and "Hyperlink Styling" delay usage.
Fix: Rectangular selection: (virtual empty) selection persists after clear.
Cleanup: Customize Schemes... Style Names.
Fixes: Performance for several modify text operations.
Fix: Sentencecase some strings in "Customize Schemes...".
Refactoring: Usage of undo/redo action stack.
Fix: SpeedUp undo/redo action collections.
Fix: Lock NotifyUpdate and TargetSelection in case of multi action redo/undo and target replacements.
Fix: Handling of document modified flag in case of NotifyChange bypass.
Enhancement: Canonical initial Notepad3.ini.
Fix: Redo/undo and jump-to behavior having an active selection.
Refactor: set/replace selection handling.
Fix: Wrong test on rectangular selection.
Enhancement: add empty sections to initial settings file (.ini) to force a canonical order.
Fix: More select and replace target issues.
Fix: Toggle All folds behavior.
CR: Changed inifile for Portable Apps Notepad3.
Fix: TAB indentation handling according to predecessors (NP2).
Fix: selection (anchor and current caret position) handling.
Enhancement: Version check for Visual Studio 2017 v.15.5.5.
Fix: "Line Comment" id noselection and current pos == indent pos.
Fix: Initial .ini-file: unused section removed.
Fix: Support scintilla msg: SCN_NEEDSHOWN (EXPAND folded sections if needed).
Revert: Accelerator Key Alt+UP/DOWN for navigation (jump) between folded section headlines.
Enhancement: Added Accelerator Keys: Alt+LEFT/RIGHT to FOLD/EXPAND folding section.
Fix: Avoid some issues regarding folding, using SCI_SETAUTOMATICFOLD.
Fix: Revert TAB + Selection action corresponding to VisualStudio's behavior.
Fix: Sensible handling of "Block -> (Un)Indent" for different kinds of selections.
Fix: Font selection dialog does not reset some styles correctly.
Fix: Preserve selection on Line Comment toggle.
Enhancement: Make selection block indentation similar to VisualStudio's.
Fix: Char2Hex: Remove limit single byte selection.

Всего записей: 1696 | Зарегистр. 13-10-2005 | Отправлено: 19:56 19-02-2018
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