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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » TrueCrypt (часть 2)

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About perfection of measures on providing of information security of the Russian Federation decide:
1. To establish:
a. For all encryption (cryptographic) means on the Russian Federation territory presence of the certificate of conformity to information security requirements of Federal security bureau (FSB) of the Russian Federation or documentary acknowledgement by their manufacturer technical and cryptographic characteristics in the form established by Federal security bureau of the Russian Federation;
b. For security of the state information resources, confidential information (information of the limited access), protected according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, information, telecommunication and security systems must comply with security requirements confirmed by certificates of Federal security bureau of the Russian Federation or by the Federal service for technical and export control (FSTEC) in the their area of responsibility;
c. For specified under the subitem “b” item 1 of the present decree systems, networks and means application of the encryption (cryptographic) means having the certificate of compliance to information security requirements, established by Federal security bureau of the Russian Federation is mandatory;
d. The responsibility for compliance with requirements under subitems “b” and “c” item 1 of the present decree is born by heads of the organizations in whom is stored, processed and transferred the information protected according to the legislation of the Russian Federation.
2. Enable import to the Russian Federation and usage on the Russian Federation territory of encryption (cryptographic) means, which is not a subject to licensing, on the basis of documentary acknowledgement according to the subitem “a” item 1 of the present decree.
3. The government of the Russian Federation should develop and approve in three-monthly term the following:
- the order of import encryption (cryptographic) means on customs territory of the Russian Federation;
- the order of acknowledgement of technical and cryptographic characteristics of encryption (cryptographic) means;
4. The Federal security bureau of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Federal tax service of the Russian Federation, and Federal customs service of the Russian Federation will carry out revealing infringements of requirements of the present decree.
5. To recognize become invalid:
- the decree of the President of the Russian Federation 3 of April 1995 #334 “About measures on observance of legality in the field of development, manufacture, realization and operation coded means, and also granting of services in the field of enciphering the information” (Assembly of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 1995, #15, item 1285; Assembly of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, #31, item 3252);
- Item 7 of the appendix to the decree of the president of the Russian Federation 25th July 2000 #1358 “About modification in acts of the President of the Russian Federation” (Assembly of the legislation of the Russian Federation, 2000, #31, item 3252).
6. The present decree inures from the date of its official publication.

Всего записей: 586 | Зарегистр. 18-10-2008 | Отправлено: 19:12 13-11-2011 | Исправлено: snkreg, 19:14 13-11-2011
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