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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Calibre ebook manager

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

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New features
Edit book: When searching in normal mode, have spaces in the search expression match multiple spaces and line breaks in the text.
Closes tickets: 1868847
When running calibre-portable.exe popup a more useful error message if it is placed in a location with a too long path.
Closes tickets: 1866739
Edit book: Allow skipping confirmation dialog when marking non-first file as cover page
Add a shortcut [Ctrl+Alt+p] to switch to the previously opened library.
Closes tickets: 1866742
Bug fixes
Viewer: Fix searching in flow mode not scrolling to display the search results.
Closes tickets: 1866519
Viewer search: Fix jumping to next match sometimes selecting previous match if the searched for expression occurs with identical context in multiple places.
Closes tickets: 1868633
Viewer: Ensure there is no bleed between pages when using single page per screen
Fix shift click not working reliably in the book list
Fix edit open with applications not working from files browser in editor
MOBI Input: Upshift non-animated GIF to PNG as it is a more widely supported format
MOBI Input: Dont auto-convert images in PNG/GIF formats to JPEG
MOBI Output: Improve conversion of PNG images with transparency to GIF
Check Book: Do not fail if non-UTF-8 stylesheets are present in the book.
Closes tickets: 1866701
Viewer: Maximum font size for margin text should be the body font size not hardcoded to 12px
PDF Output: Ignore glyph size mismatches when merging fonts for TTF.
Closes tickets: 1866364
New news sources
Istorias and Sardinia Post by tzium
Improved news sources
LA Times
Glasgow Herald
Spectator Magazine

Всего записей: 3823 | Зарегистр. 16-10-2010 | Отправлено: 14:48 28-03-2020
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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Calibre ebook manager

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