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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Caphyon Advanced Installer

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New features
•    Custom Actions to Install/Uninstall a certificate  
•    Custom Actions to Install/Uninstall an APPX package
•    Support for UWP localizations
•    Support for COM import from an APPX package
•    UWP synchronization for registry protocols and startup tasks
•    Conditional installation of directory structures
•    Ability to store a property during an Administrative Install  
•    Placeholder text for Edit Boxes when using Enhanced UI
•    Search functionality in Translations for Project Strings and Default Strings
•    "Use App default values" option disabled for extensions that don't support it
•    Auto-close command for Updater
•    Display list of files for which registration information was refreshed
•    DLL registration support for when DLLs are on a network location
•    64-bit components marked by default when changing package type to 64-bit
•    Encrypt MSI properties
•    Save default strings in a relative location
•    Allow the installer to use paths longer than MAX_PATH (260 characters)
•    Improvements for UWP COM Synchronization
•    Import Upgrade Code from UWP package
•    Global per-build events are executed before any projects checks
•    Save features collapsed state and order
•    FileTypeAssociation extension supports ShellNewFileName and ShellNewDisplayName
•    Allow ordering Merge Modules in an MSI project
•    Improve Direct UI control preview in Dialog Editor
Bug fixes
•    Modify button remains enabled after canceling the "Edit INI entry" dialog
•    Snapshot check-boxes from VM Profile is not updated
•    Report Viewer.msi fails to be imported in AI
•    Repackager/VM Launcher crashes on VM after successfully repackaging
•    SQL Query action fails unexpectedly
•    Fast Install option break installed file permissions
•    Error when building MST/MSI file for administrative image of an MSI package
•    Advanced Installer error when adding a DLL to the Assemblies page
•    Cannot add new file to attached MSI
•    Update only declarations view when UWP sync is enabled
•    Cannot save an edited MSI
•    The controls from SetupTypeDlg does not have icon
•    Transform file cannot be replicated with Advanced Installer
•    Problem loading COMs when editing an MSI file
•    Custom Launch Conditions are not displayed when Editing MSI
•    Crash when selecting an MSI as attached Custom Action in Edit MSI mode
•    Merge Modules CABs are deleted at the end of building a web installer with one cab per feature
•    Functions increase in number after each action for native DLL Custom Action
•    VSTS build fail when using the Hosted VS2017 agent
•    MST transform file is built and then deleted
•    Image buttons displays the elevation shield even if the package is already elevated
•    Themes preview rendered incorrectly on custom DPI
•    Rebuild fails after interchanging features content when using Cab per Feature and Merge Modules
•    COM info is not extracted when building an Appx package
•    The CAB contains corrupted file in a certain scenario when "One CAB archive per feature" option is used
•    Setup packages with large files could not locate the installation files when placed on a USB disk
•    MaskedLine control not editable
•    Merge Module support is broken for projects using LZMA
•    MSI properties on command line not converted to uppercase when running with Enhanced UI
•    Logon as a service policy is not set for local accounts which do not explicitly contain the computer name
•    Updater localization issues
•    Formatted fields lexer is saying a temp file reference is invalid because it cannot recognize it
•    The repository dictionary is not always the first in the list from the "Dictionary" tab
•    ConfigureDlg is not displayed after ClientServerDlg
•    The splash screen remains on screen instead of disappearing
•    View theme gets changed if you double click on the Classic's scrollbar
•    The property associated with the temporary file copy is unchanged
•    Missing Farsi dictionary
•    "Go to Resource" is not present in MSM context menu from Organization
•    Packages that cannot be removed from Control Panel
•    The MSI extracted from an LZMA compressed package is not removed after the install/uninstall of the package
•    TweakAppv issues when creating reg_multi_sz registry
•    "Full Trust" capability is enabled for Windows Store App
•    Load Wise and IS custom tables in QuickEdit mode
•    Project with custom ARP is always marked as modified after leaving the view
•    Issue when setting icon for build executable with path variable
•    XML comments are always written on disk even if they already exist
•    Jenkins build failure when including a program for a .cfgm extension
•    Deprecated updates issues not displayed when only one update is available
•    ARPCOMMENTS is displayed in the Task Manager instead of ProductName when EUI is enabled
•    Images and controls are not displayed correctly on a "Tab Host" when the OS uses the Classic theme
•    "Static Text" controls do not have transparency on a "Tab host" when the OS uses the Classic theme
•    Feature-based prerequisite is installed on OSes that are not checked in the "Supported Windows Versions" list
•    Second Pre-install prerequisite is skipped when denying to reboot after the first one's installation

Всего записей: 4174 | Зарегистр. 26-02-2013 | Отправлено: 19:26 19-02-2018
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