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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » RIOT | Radical Image Optimization Tool

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

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New “Auto, Original Format” mode
This new automatic operating mode optimizes with the best settings while keeping the original format. Use this mode when you can’t change the format, even if other format would prove to be more efficient.
The operating modes have been renamed to make things clearer on what the program does.
Keep folder structure in batch mode
This long expected feature is finally here. You now have a new batch mode option to save the image in original folder. Used along with the new “Original Format” mode you can optimize a folder of images with subfolders in-place.
Previosuly RIOT was only able to save all images in a chosen output folder.
Backup processed images
I’ve added an option in batch mode to backup original images if they get overwritten. The original image will be suffixed with the word “original”.
Various fixes
* fixed behavior for using the original image if smaller. the original is chosen only if we use an option from the batch mode
* fixed resize issues when keep aspect ratio is checked and both dimensions are provided
The plugin version is still under testing and a 0.6 version of the plugin will be released when testing will be completed. 0.5.2 is the latest usable version of the plugin.
Another good news for some of you is that the installer no longer promotes software through OpenCandy, so no more false virus warnings, which scared many people.
Please report all bugs found using the RIOT forum or the official facebook page.

Всего записей: 5677 | Зарегистр. 02-04-2015 | Отправлено: 03:26 19-08-2016
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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » RIOT | Radical Image Optimization Tool

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