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Silver Member
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This beta release is a collection of additions and improvements from many contributors.
Since it is released more than a year after the last beta, there is a large number of changes.
Important notes:
* On Linux, macOS, and other systems that require Mono, this version requires Mono v5 or later.
* On macOS please remove the current beta and install this version, instead of using the updater. Doing so, will make Duplicati compatible with Gatekeeper and allow you to grant permissions.
A big thanks to all Duplicati contributors, supporters, fans and users for keeping the project evolving and improving.
Note that the beta `v2.0.4.23` has database version `8` and this release has database version `10`. This means that your local database will be upgraded once you run this version, and you cannot roll back without some manual intervention.
Here is a short list of some of the more notable changes:
* Numerous bug fixes and performance enhancements.
* Updated translations, new languages added.
* Improved support for macOS Catalina
* Add support for minio backend.
* Improve tray icon to reflect warning state.
* Fix long path issue when path has 259 or 260 characters.
* Remove support for Amazon Cloud Drive.
* Fix input issues with dark theme.
* Fix bug in handling filter expressions.
* Fix purge operation with simple filters and case-sensitive filesystems.
* Fix ignoring of --tempdir option when using the command-line.
* Improved list of S3 compatible options and providers.
* Fix ability to stop backup after current file has finished processing.
* Updates to support libraries
* Improve logging during database recreation.
* Add option to skip vacuum operations within specified duration, `--auto-vacuum-interval`.
* Add option to skip compact operations within specified duration, `--auto-compact-interval`.
* Fix backup corruption from upload throttling. #3787
* Fix for “Unexpected difference in fileset”. #3800
* Fix for “CheckingErrorsForIssue1400” and “FoundIssue1400Error”. #3868
* Fix for “FTP (Alternative)” upload verification.
* Server database version is still 6. Backup database rose to 10. This may impede downgrades.

Всего записей: 3405 | Зарегистр. 26-05-2010 | Отправлено: 22:14 26-02-2020
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