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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Расширения для Google Chrome / Google Chrome Extensions

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

gyra (31-01-2018 23:38): Расширения для Google Chrome / Google Chrome Extensions  Версия для печати • ПодписатьсяДобавить в закладки
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// ==UserScript==
// @name        Linkify
// @version        1.05
// @date        2009-12-21
// @author        Sergey Voronov
// @exclude        *odnoklassniki.ru/*
// ==/UserScript==
var anchorAttribute = /*@anchorAttribute@string@*/'linkified'/*@*/;
// Anchor style. Examples:
// 'text-decoration: overline !important;'
// 'border-width: 1px 0 !important; border-style: dotted !important;'
// 'border-width: 1px 0 !important; border-style: dashed !important;'
// 'font-style: italic; background-color: #fffbb9; color: #008000; border-top: thin dashed #008000; border-bottom: thin dashed #008000;'
//var anchorStyle = /*@anchorStyle@string@*/'font-style: italic; background-color: #fffbb9; color: #008000; border-top: thin dashed #008000; border-bottom: thin dashed #008000;'/*@*/;
var anchorStyle = /*@anchorStyle@string@*/'color: #ff4f00'/*@*/;
// Enable the script if we're not displaying svg files
if (!window.location.href.match(/\.(svg)$/i) )
    if(!(document.documentElement instanceof HTMLHtmlElement)) return;
    //RegExp is splitted in parts to simplify modification
    //after connecting toogether it is
    // \b(?_?[hx]..ps?:\/\/)|(_?f.p:\/\/)|(mailto|(www\d*\.)|(ftp\d*\.)|(magnet)[^\^\[\]{}|\\\'"<>`\s]*[^!@\^()\[\]{}|\\:;\'",.?<>`\s]
    //You can try to write better, but remember about Backreferences (used in GetLinkHREF to determining kind of link)
//    var sProtocol = '(_?[hx]..ps?:\/\/)|(_?f.p:\/\/)|(mailto|(www\\d*\\.)|(ftp\\d*\\.)|(magnet';
    var sProtocol = '(_?[hx]..ps?:\/\/)|(_?f.p:\/\/)|(mailto|(irc:\/\/)|(\\S*\\S*@?irc\\.)|(news:\/\/)|(nntp:\/\/)|(telnet:\/\/)|(file:\/\/)|(\\S*\\S*@?www\\d*\\.)|(\\S*\\S*@?ftp\\d*\\.)|(\\S*\\.(com|net|org|ru|us)\/)|(magnet|(opera';
//    var sURLPathChars = '[^\\^\\[\\]{}|\\\\\'"<>`\\s]';
    var sURLPathChars = '[^\\^\\[\\]{}\\\\\'"<>`\\s]';
    var sEndChars = '[^!@\\^()\\[\\]{}|\\\\:;\'",.?<>`\\s]';
    var sURLPath = sURLPathChars + '*' + sEndChars;
    var sRegExpHTTP = '\\b(?:' + sProtocol + ')' + sURLPath;
    var rRegExpHTTP = RegExp(sRegExpHTTP, 'i');
    var GetLinkHREF= function(aMatch)
        if (aMatch[1]) return aMatch[0].replace(/^_?[hx]..p/i,'http');
        if (aMatch[2]) return aMatch[0].replace(/^_?f.p/i,'ftp');
//        if (aMatch[3])        //email
        if (aMatch[10]) return 'http://' + aMatch[0];
        if (aMatch[11]) return 'ftp://' + aMatch[0];
//        if (aMatch[13])        //magnet
        if (aMatch[5]) return 'irc://' + aMatch[0];
        if (aMatch[12]) return 'http://' + aMatch[0];
        return aMatch[0];
        if(!document || !document.documentElement)
        var anchorCSS = document.createElement('style');
        anchorCSS.setAttribute('type', 'text/css');
        anchorCSS.appendChild(document.createTextNode('a.' + anchorAttribute + ' {' + anchorStyle + '}'));
    var foundText, matchedText, matchedHref, newLinkElement = document.createElement('a');
    //Add class for CSS styling
        //Excluding non-text tags
        excElems = ['head','applet','object','embed','param','script','style','frameset','frame','iframe','textarea','input','option','select','a','img','map'],
        //Get all text elements
        textNodes = document.selectNodes('//*[not(ancestor-or-self::*[local-name()="'+excElems.join('" or local-name()="')+'"])]/text()');
    for( var i = 0, textNode, disp; textNode = textNodes[i]; i++ )
        //Find something looks like URL
        while( foundText = rRegExpHTTP.exec(textNode.data) )
            //Remember founded text
            matchedText = foundText[0];
            //Parse it into URL
            matchedHref = GetLinkHREF(foundText);
            textNode = textNode.splitText(foundText.index);
            textNode.deleteData(0,((newLinkElement = newLinkElement.cloneNode(false)).text = matchedText).length);

Всего записей: 290 | Зарегистр. 01-09-2008 | Отправлено: 11:38 03-03-2017 | Исправлено: vankuzu, 11:41 03-03-2017

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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Расширения для Google Chrome / Google Chrome Extensions
gyra (31-01-2018 23:38): Расширения для Google Chrome / Google Chrome Extensions

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