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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » 7-Zip | 7z | 7Zip (часть 3)

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

Maz (28-11-2021 20:26): 7-Zip | 7z | 7Zip (часть 4)
Сборки и украшательства архиватора 7-Zip
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This release by Jason Hood <jadoxa@yahoo.com.au>.  It enables the generation of
the NSIS script (with additional improvements) and tweaks the console version.
List of changes
7z console:
* added command "c" (extract to console; labels files with "-->", ignores dirs);
* added command "p" (properties of archive; like list, but without the list);
* enabled flushing when writing to stdout;
* documented option "-ba" (disable headers);
* added option "-bp" (disable properties);
* added option "-bl" to disable the copyright message (logo);
* allow the disable options to be combined ("-badlp");
* "-si" defaults to name "<stdin>" for extract/list;
* "-si" will read the overwrite answer from the console;
* added option "-slb" (bare, only list names);
* added option "-sls" (short list format);
* added option "-sub{old}[=[{new}]]" to substitute text in list/extract paths;
* non-recursive paths match from the end (e.g. "f*" will match "dir\file", not
* enabled script creation;
* renamed "[NSIS].nsi" to "script.nsi";
* renamed "[LICENSE].*" to "license.*";
* renamed "[LICENSE]\license-*" to "license-*";
* recognize some variable assignments;
* recognize temporary files;
* ignore invalid commands;
* improved quote handling;
* recognize unused functions;
* recognize alternative plugin commands;
* better recognition of "SetCtlColors /BRANDING".
* reduced section limit (4096 to 2048) to detect archives in codeless binaries.
* modified Print_UInt64_and_String to create the singular noun;
* OpenArchive: FileSize may be 0 when PhySize is not, resulting in a false
  "unexpected end of archive" error.

Всего записей: 33206 | Зарегистр. 31-07-2002 | Отправлено: 02:53 29-08-2019

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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » 7-Zip | 7z | 7Zip (часть 3)
Maz (28-11-2021 20:26): 7-Zip | 7z | 7Zip (часть 4)
Сборки и украшательства архиватора 7-Zip

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