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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » 7-Zip | 7z | 7Zip (часть 3)

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

Maz (28-11-2021 20:26): 7-Zip | 7z | 7Zip (часть 4)
Сборки и украшательства архиватора 7-Zip
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-i (Include filenames) switch
Specifies additional include filenames and wildcards.
Multiple include switches are supported.
<recurse_type> ::= r[- | 0]
<file_ref> ::= @{listfile} | !{wildcard}
Specifies how wildcards and file names in this switch must be used. If this option is not given, then the global value, assigned by the -r (Recurse) switch will be used. For more details see specification of the -r (Recurse) switch.
<recurse_type> ::= r[- | 0]
Specifies filenames and wildcards, or a list file, for files to be processed.
<file_ref> ::= @{listfile} | !{wildcard}
Option Description  
{listfile} Specifies name of list file. See List file description.  
{wildcard} Specifies wildcard or filename.  
7z a -tzip src.zip *.txt -ir!DIR1\*.cpp
adds to src.zip archive all *.txt files from current directory and all *.cpp files from directory DIR1 and from all it's subdirectories.
Commands that can be used with this switch
a (Add), d (Delete), e (Extract), h (Hash), l (List), rn (Rename), t (Test), u (Update), x (Extract with full paths)

Всего записей: 33230 | Зарегистр. 31-07-2002 | Отправлено: 10:49 24-03-2021

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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » 7-Zip | 7z | 7Zip (часть 3)
Maz (28-11-2021 20:26): 7-Zip | 7z | 7Zip (часть 4)
Сборки и украшательства архиватора 7-Zip

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