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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Ghidra

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

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New Feature
GUI. Function tags are now viewable by function.
Decompiler. Improved modeling of CFG on Windows 10. (Issue #340)
Patcher. Renamed patch directory to /Ghidra/patch and added README.txt that explains how the patch directory is used.
Search. Updated the Decompiler Data Type Finder to find references to inside of nested array access in a line of Decompiler C output. (Issue #416)
Sleigh. Improved error reporting for SLEIGH compiler. (Issue #364)
Analysis. Code that checks for thunks no longer throws an exception if the PC is not set for the processor.
Analysis. Made a fix to enable Apply button when changing tool options. (Issue #40)
Data Types. Fixed concurrent modification exception when replacing one datatype for another that results in some other datatype being renamed.
Decompiler. Fixed dynamic variables and equates in 16-bit x86 programs. (Issue #336)
Decompiler:Java. Fixed DEX decompilation regression issue. (Issue #350)
Eclipse Integration. Fixed exception in Eclipse GhidraDev plugin that occurred when performing certain actions on a Ghidra project that was imported from a previously exported Archive File. (Issues #283, #383)
GUI. Improved documentation on how to deal with HiDPI monitor issues in Linux. In the <ghidra_installation>/support/launch.properties file, change VMARGS=-Dsun.java2d.xrender from false to true.
GUI. Restored the default 'p' key binding for creating pointers within the listing display.
Importer. Fixed an exception that occurred when batch importing APK files. (Issue #426)
Languages. The 6502 Zero page indexed addressing has been corrected to only access the Zero page. (Issue #201)
Languages. The 68000 BCD arithmetic instructions now have pcode semantics that allow disassembly to continue. (Issue #227)
Multi-User:Ghidra Server. Restored ability to execute svrAdmin script in development mode.
Multi-User:Ghidra Server. Corrected severe script error in svrAdmin.bat introduced with 9.0.3 build.
GUI. Restored the default 'p' key binding for creating pointers within the listing display.
Search. Fixed NullPointerException in Decompiler Data Type Reference Finder. (Issue #407)

Всего записей: 26 | Зарегистр. 26-12-2006 | Отправлено: 19:48 23-05-2019
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