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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » Windscribe VPN

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

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SHA-256: 35952ba97392503301b0b09045c75da601851eb25653e0b481bba05e8e104d9a
- Added anti-censorship toggle in preferences.
- Added anti-censorship feature: WireGuard UDP stuffing.
- Added anti-censorship feature: use domain fronting via CDN for API requests.
- Added anti-censorship feature: OpenVPN TCP split-reset, UDP stuffing, Stunnel extra padding.
- Added anti-censorship feature: use extra TLS padding for fallback API requests.
- Added translations for Arabic, Czech, French, German, Hindi, Russian, Simplified Chinese, and Spanish.
- Added an icon on the main screen to indicate anti-censorship mode is enabled.
- Added new in-house Stealth/Wstunnel application.
- Added a small loading spinner to some operations which may take a long time.
- Added feature to remember last locations tab on exit and default to that tab on startup.
- Added global DNS in the update-systemd-resolved script for a loopback DNS IP.
- Added support for native aarch64 (arm64) Ubuntu build.
- Added support for DNS-over-HTTPS (DoH) and split DNS to the 'Connected DNS' feature.
- Added custom alert screens, replacing the native OS message boxes.
- Added icon on connect screen indicating if connection is auto, manual, or network preferred protocol.
- Added new logout and quit screens.
- Improved latency (ping) algorithm to reduce ping frequency, especially during app startup.
- Fixed app may open locations screen to a random tab.
- Fixed "All protocols failed" prompt doesn't show.
- Fixed LAN-hosted DNS server cannot be accessed when using a custom OpenVPN config.
- Fixed OpenVPN not using custom DNS.
- Fixed app fails to download update package on Ubuntu arm64.
- Fixed spinner animation on the ROBERT page continues after the website has already been opened.
- Fixed Linux firewall may not block some traffic if sharing internet connection.
- Fixed Logout/Quit screen UI bugs.
- Fixed Manage ROBERT rules link click does nothing.
- Fixed UI overlap and alignment issues.
- Fixed loading spinner in Manage Account preference slows down.
- Fixed access to server IP to be only allowed for Windscribe & system apps.
- Fixed incorrect error message in the DNS domain screen when a domain name is not valid.
- Fixed WireGuard may not recover correctly in manual mode.
- Fixed OpenVPN UDP and TCP may not work with certain commented out Advanced Parameters.
- Fixed executable signature checking mechanism disabled in the helper and CLI.
- Fixed incorrect app categorization.
- Fixed the dns-leak-protect script to only process IPv4 DNS.
- Fixed RPM package upgrade failures.
- Fixed validation of the domains entered by the user.
- Fixed some user interface transitions involving the "SSL error" alert.
- Fixed split tunnel hostname and IP validation errors are unclear.
- Fixed route call failure if route binary not in $PATH.
- Fixed Arch install script to kill the app if it is running.
- Fixed RPM install script to ensure helper is running after upgrade.
- Fixed window shadow incorrectly sized on logout/exit screens.
- Fixed login screen height may be truncated.
- Fixed alert screen may overlap other screens (e.g. news feed, protocol change).
- Fixed notifications are missing after marking all as read, leaving the notifications screen, and returning to it.
- Fixed changing languages in app causes the news feed screen to become smaller.
- Fixed view/send log functionality to truncate the log if it is too large to view/send.
- Fixed firewall settings updated repeatedly when pinging locations.
- Fixed uninstall script to terminate app during uninstall or manual update to new version.
- Fixed app to explicitly block only OS default DNS servers and allow all others.
- Fixed in-app upgrade on Ubuntu will fail if upgrade requires additional Linux packages to be installed.
- Fixed uninstall to remove all files created by the app.
- Fixed missing dependency requirements in install package for some desktop environments (e.g. XFCE).
- Fixed protocol badge not immediately updated on network changes.
- Removed incorrect primary IP check when enabling the Allow LAN Traffic preference.
- Removed full directory paths from log to obscure user's PII.
- Removed timestamp from news feed items.
- Updated app to use server-supplied ping (latency) values.
- Updated app warnings and error messages.
- Updated to OpenVPN 2.6 and OpenSSL 3.  

Всего записей: 5760 | Зарегистр. 19-05-2004 | Отправлено: 18:47 24-10-2023 | Исправлено: mleo, 18:48 24-10-2023
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