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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » JPSoft Take Command | TCC (4DOS, 4NT)

Модерирует : gyra, Maz

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Tracker Mod
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24.02.48 Extended maximum year in dates & ranges to 30827
24.02.46 Help file updates
24.02.45 Help file updates
24.02.45 Language dll updates
24.02.44 Updated Scintilla (scilexer.dll) editor
24.02.43 TCC - Changed the /S (disable Ctrl-C handling) startup switch to /B
24.02.43 TCC - The /Q startup switch now also turns ECHO OFF in batch files (for compatibility with CMD)
24.02.43 TCC - Added support for the CMD /S (string handling after /C or /K) option.  (TCC is emulating the actual CMD behavior, not the documented behavior.)
24.02.43 Help file updates
24.02.42 Updated internet & zip libraries
24.02.42 Updated Everything to
24.02.42 Help file updates
24.01.41 Take Command - display output is faster and uses less CPU
24.01.41 TCC - Added support for Python 3.7.2
24.01.41 CMDebug - improved editor performance
24.01.41 TCEdit - improved editor performance
24.01.41 Help file updates
24.01.41 Everything - updated to
24.01.41 Updated Onigmo regular expression library
24.01.41 Updated Scintilla (scilexer.dll) editor
24.0.34 Help file updates
24.0.33 Help file updates
24.0.30 Added localization support for Italian
24.0.29 EVERYTHING - updated to
24.0.27 Help file updates
24.0.26 Help file updates
24.02.49 SCRPUT - fixed a problem with /U when scrolling
24.02.47 @PYTHON - added a workaround for a Python 3.7 bug
24.02.46 FOR - Fixed a bug when nesting single quotes
24.02.46 START - added workaround for Windows bug when starting urls with embedded whitespace
24.02.45 JOBS - fixed a problem when displaying job processes (/I)
24.02.45 MOUNTVHD - added workaround for Windows API bug
24.02.44 TCC - added support for more undocumented CMD startup option behavior
24.02.43 TCC - Now supports escaped filenames passed on the TCC startup command line
24.01.41 TCMD - fixed a sporadic Windows API bug when restarting as elevated
24.0.36  Fix for German & Spanish RTL issue with debugger
24.0.35  TEE - removed debug popups from build 34
24.0.34  xxxMonitor - fixed a problem with the command dialog when specifying /C ("FOREVER" not being removed)
24.0.33  FTYPE - added checkfor overly long or invalid data in registry entry
24.0.32  Fix for CMD bug when creating batch file associations
24.0.31  Fix for installer not always copying Italian language dll's
24.0.30  Installer fix for file associations in (deprecated) x86
24.0.28  Fix for problem with some keystrokes in popup windows
24.0.27  Fixed an RTL resource leak
24.0.26  Fix for RTL bug with non-English resource dll's
24.0.25  Fix for problem with IDE.EXE in TCC standalone version
24.0.25  Fix for problem starting CHARMAP.EXE on slow systems

Всего записей: 33205 | Зарегистр. 31-07-2002 | Отправлено: 01:45 14-04-2019
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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Компьютеры » Программы » JPSoft Take Command | TCC (4DOS, 4NT)

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