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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Операционные системы » Microsoft Windows » Задачи на bat-файлах 4

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evle (19-03-2008 19:44): Лимит страниц.
Задачи на bat-файлах 5
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@echo off
Title GetFromSource v0.3
rem FileMask: *.h;*.c;*.cpp;*.rc
rem RegExp:
rem \b(LPGENT?|TranslateT|_T)\("text_here"\)
rem get translatable strings from source files.
rem WARNING! Due to restrictions of cmd parser, strings with "!" sign cames out without "!"
rem ATTENTION! If you get "hang" more than 5 seconds, press Ctrl+C but don't brake operations!
rem (i.e. press "N" for next question)
rem this "hang" coused by findstr with asteriks inside.
set /p source="directory:"
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in ("%source%") do set file=%%~na
set target=%cd%\%file%.tmp
set output=%cd%\%file%.txt
set tempfile=%cd%\%file%.temp
rem delete old file.
del /f /q %output% 2>nul
rem collect all strings with translations to one file - %tempfile%
for /r %source% %%a in (*.h,*.c,*.cpp) do (
    echo %%a
    rem remove "!" sign, it broke parse logic. Totaly 5 "!" will be removed. Hope it's enough
    rem trail "!" does not make any sense
    for /f "eol=/ delims=! tokens=1-6" %%b in ('"findstr /c:"LPGEN(" /c:"LPGENT(" /c:"TranslateT(" /c:"_T(" "%%a""') do (
        echo %%b#1#%%c#1#%%d#1#%%e>>%tempfile%
echo Start parsing %tempfile%
setlocal enabledelayedexpansion
for /f "tokens=*" %%b in (%tempfile%) do (
        set "str=%%b"
        rem change \' to '
        set str=!str:^\'='!
        rem now change start ( " and end of thanslation - " ) without spases.
        set str=!str:^( "=("!
        set str=!str:" )="^)!
        rem remove empty translations
        set str=!str:""=!
        rem change all service signs to #?#
            set str=!str:^\"=#0#!
        set str=!str:^&=#2#!
        set str=!str:^>=#3#!
        set str=!str:^<=#4#!
        set str=!str:^|=#5#!
        for %%c in ("_T(" "LPGEN(" "LPGENT(" "TranslateT(") do (
            set strT=!str!
            echo  ESCAPES:!strT!
            echo "!str!" | find %%c
            if !errorlevel!==0 call arse %%c
rem Sources analyzed, now analyze resources (*.rc)
echo Now parsing *.RC files
for /r %source% %%a in (*.rc) do (
    echo %%a
    for /f "tokens=*" %%b in ('"findstr /i /r /c:"\^<CONTROL\^>" /c:"\^<PUSHBUTTON\^>" /c:"\^<DEFPUSHBUTTON\^>" /c:"\^<GROUPBOX\^>" /c:"\^<CAPTION\^>" /c:"\^<MENUITEM\^>" /c:"\^<POPUP\^>" /c:"\^<[LRC]TEXT\^>" "%%a""') do (
            set "str=%%b"
        rem change \" to @@
        set str=!str:^\"=@@!
        rem change "" to @@
        set str=!str:""=@@!
        rem change " to $ - our separator
        set str=!str:"=$!
        rem change \' to '. We don't need slash in translation
        set str=!str:^\'='!
        for /f "tokens=2 delims=, " %%A in ("!str!") do (
            if not "%%A"=="@@" (
                rem rollback @@ to "
                set str=!str:@@="!
                for /f "delims=$ tokens=2" %%e in ("!str!") do echo [%%e]>>%target%
echo Strings collected. Sorting and removing dupes...
set str=
for /f "tokens=*" %%y in ('sort /+1 %target%') do (
    if not "%%y"=="!str!" (
        findstr /l /x /c:"%%y" %output% 2>nul
        if not !ERRORLEVEL!==0 echo %%y>>%output%
    set "str=%%y"
del /f /q %target% %tempfile%
echo Done!
set strT=!strT:^*%~1=(!
set strT=!strT:^("=($!
set strT=!strT:")=$)!
echo  ToPARSE:!strT!
for /f "tokens=2 delims=$" %%d in ("!strT!") do (
    set out=[%%d]
    set out=!out:#0#="!
    set out=!out:#1#==^!!^!
    set out=!out:#2#=^&!
    set out=!out:#3#=^>!
    set out=!out:#4#=^<!
    set out=!out:#5#=^|!
    echo !out!>>%target%
    set str=!str:"%%d"=!
    set strT=!strT:$%%d$=!
rem if we have anoter entry with same function, parse it again, if not, search next function
echo "!strT!" | find %1
if !errorlevel!==0 (call arse %1)

Всего записей: 3247 | Зарегистр. 13-03-2004 | Отправлено: 13:21 21-12-2007

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Компьютерный форум Ru.Board » Операционные системы » Microsoft Windows » Задачи на bat-файлах 4
evle (19-03-2008 19:44): Лимит страниц.
Задачи на bat-файлах 5

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